For most people, buying a home is a big decision and a big purchase. Familiarizing yourself with the homebuying process can help you better understand the ins and outs of getting a mortgage and differentiate between various loan options and programs.

STEP 1: Get pre-qualified, apply for a home loan and collect documents

First, we’ll ask you to provide some documentation to get pre-qualified. This helps you know how much you can afford when house shopping and can give you a competitive edge over other buyers when you find your dream home. Next, we’ll recommend various loan products for your situation, go over down payment options and potential monthly mortgage payments. Once you apply for a home loan, we’ll reach out to you to provide necessary financial documents to get the loan process going. Milestones for this step:

  • Submission and verification of documentation
  • Credit analysis
  • Comprehensive loan options
  • Down payment requirements
  • Pre-qualification of loan
STEP 2: Verification of Property

During this step a member of our team will verify property details of the home you’re wanting to purchase. We will also validate the information you provide – such as bank accounts and tax information. We’ll keep you updated on the status of your application and milestones in the process. Milestones for this step:

  • Property title search
  • Inspection of property
STEP 3: Loan Processing

During this stage in the process, we’ll conduct a detailed audit of your documentation and property before making a final lending decision, and we may ask some additional questions if needed. We’ll continue to keep you updated every step of the way so you know where we are in the process. Milestones in this step:

  • Loan approval
  • Interest rate lock
  • Closing date scheduled
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STEP 4: Closing

Once the loan is approved, we’ll email all the necessary documents to you for review. On closing day, you’ll sign all the final documents to buy your home! The entire process is usually pretty quick and exciting!

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STEP 5: Sit back & Relax

It’s time to enjoy your new home!

We believe in fostering customer relationships for life. Even after you’ve closed on your loan, we’ll continue to provide services and insights to help you manage your mortgage and future financial goals.

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Are You a First-Time Homebuyer?

Buying a home for the first time can be overwhelming! Reach out to our team of experts to learn more about your loan options and start the pre-approval process.

For Investors

If you’re looking for investment property loans, we offer a variety of options to meet your needs. We pride ourselves on lower rates and zero hassle.

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